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A partire da 1.7.2024

Fino September 17th 2024

Affitto mensile sFr. 750 .-


Regione Zürich (Oerlikon, Seebach, Affoltern)

Distritto / quartiere Oerlikon

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Sto cercando a room in a shared flat with flatmates to hang out with, who are also very organized, responsible, and tidy. I would prefer if people are non-smokers and also I would prefer to speak English in the flat.

Sono My name is Camila Vizuete. I am from Ecuador and I am 23 years old :D. I finished my degree on Chemical Engineering and therefore I started an internship through IAESTE that ends on mid-September 2024. I am really interested on the room and was hoping I could get more infotmation about it as well as you.I do love to travel, take trips, hang out and always take risks. I am a very open minded person, organized and responsible. I have been previously on an exchange year when I was 18 years old. I went to the UK and it was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. I am having a great time in Switzerland so far. In my case I will need the room from the 1st of July or the end of June until mid September 2024.
I look forward to hearing from you.


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