Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch

Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 15.5.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 1250 .–


Région Zurich (ville)

Adresse Schimmelstrasse 2

Lieu 8003 Zurich

Arrondissement / quartier 8003

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La chambre estHello everyone:)
As of May 15, my room on Schimmelstrasse will be free. The location is great, well connected to any part of Zurich, and there are plenty of bars and restaurants nearby. The room is very large and bright, being faced east and south due to a large corner window. The room is already furnished (including all items seen except the armchair), and all this is included in the rental cost.
Rent includes all costs for heating, electricity, Internet, and weekly cleaning service of common areas.
It is important to me that the new roommate can take over the contract from May 15.
I look forward to receiving your messages.

Nous cherchons

Who we are looking for:

The contract will be with Pincome Gmbh and we are looking for workers or PhD students around 20 /35 years old (no bachelor or master students).


1250 CHF for contracts that are going to be longer than 6 months.
For shorter periods:
1 - 2 months: 1550 CHF
3 - 4 months: 1450 CHF
5 - 6 months: 1350 CHF

Nous sommes

Your future roommates will be Villiam, a software engineer from Slovakia, Andrea a PhD student from Italy, and Michal, a consultant from Poland.


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