Questo annuncio è stato dimostrato da

Affitare un appartamento
Affitare un appartamento

Dati a affitto

A partire da 1.6.2024

Fino Illimitato

Affitto mensile sFr. 1305 .–


Regione Zug

Indirizzo Grabenstrasse 48

Località 6300 Zug

Distritto / quartiere Altstadt

Nei dintorni Casino

Google Translate Grande mappa da stampare


La stanza èMöbliertes Einzelzimmer 15m2 in WG in Zuger Altstadt, mit eigenem WC. Gemeinsame Küche und Bad (Dusche, 2. WC), jedoch kein gemeinsames Wohnzimmer, darum ideal für Wochenaufenthalter. CHF 1305 pro Monat inkl. Nebenkosten.
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Furnished single room 15m2 in shared apartment in old town of Zug, with its own WC. Shared kitchen and bathroom (shower, second WC), yet no common living room therefore more ideal for weekly residency. CHF 1305/mo included.


Unkomplizierte Person.
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Easy-going person.

Chi siamo

Verschiedene Zimmer sind vermietet, eine Person ist 100% da, andere für paar Tage die Woche (Wochenaufenthalter). Weil kein gemeinsames Wohnzimmer vorhanden ist, ist es eher eine informelle WG.
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Several rooms are rented out, one person is present 100%, others are only few days a week present (weekly residents). Because there is no common living room it's not really an intentional shared apartment.


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