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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.7.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 850 .–

  WG intergénérationnelle


Région Zurich (Unterland, Weinland, Limmattal)

Adresse Bifangstrasse 33

Lieu 5432 Neuenhof

A proximité de Train line S12 to Zürich HB in 30min door to door.
Train runs every 30min.

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La chambre estThere are 2 Rooms approximately 11m2 and 16m2. Over all furnished with two office chairs, three tables, two beds, two cabinets, and a mirror. Shared kitchen, bathroom, and balcony. Shared washing machine, with a wash day every 2 weeks. The full rent for the contracted length is due upon receiving the key, and payment with TWINT is possible.

Nous cherchons

i would like to welcome 1 or 2 women (i dont like the smell of men), self-confident, sex-positive, enjoy attention, (very) talkative, with low travel activity. Don't mind nudity (I am decently dressed except when I shower in the morning), willing to keep doors ajar at all times, creating an open and trusting living atmosphere. Male or undisclosed applicants will be quietly disregarded; currently not dealing with people who can't read ;)

Nous sommes

I am a male 40 years old, working part-time as a project manager and studying part-time for a PhD to address my midlife crisis. I suffer from Polyarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For more than ten years, I have been living with female roommates (i dont like the smell of men) mostly for environmental reasons and partly for companionship, although it doesn't always work out. I am very quiet but attentive, and I often need encouragement to do things. It's said that I am the nicest person and cook well. I have no filters whatsoever and answer questions straight out of my head, being more honest than polite. I am a highly intelligent and extensively educated creative genius. But i am in need of a emotional support human.


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