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Data en huur

Van de 1.9.2024

Tot Onbeperkt

Huurprijs / maand sFr. 1000 .-


Regio Lausanne


Dichtbij EPFL

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Ik ben op zoek naar Hi,
I am Levin and I am searching for a shared flat in the region of Lausanne, if possible near to the EPFL. I lived in multiple shared flats in Stuttgart, where I studied before. There I always lived in shared flats where we had a great time together and not only lived together but also did activities like cooking or a movie night and I would love to find something with a similar vibe. Of course I also need my personal space and some alone time as everyone. Hygiene and cleanliness are a matter of course for me, whether with or without a cleaning plan doesn't matter to me ;) Long story short I am searching for a nice place with some open people where it is not only about living together but also doing activities and just having a nice time :)
Cheers, Levin

Ik ben I am Levin, I am from south Germany and did my Bachelors in Information Systems in Stuttgart. From September on I will study Data Science at the EPFL and are therefore searching for a place to live. I love sports, watching as well as doing it. I really like soccer but also hiking, biking, swimming and running. In summer I used to go surfing and in winter I love to go snowboarding. Also I really enjoy just hanging out with friends in my free time, if possible with a cup of coffee or a beer :) I always enjoy doing things with other people and would say that I am easy to amaze for a variety of things. Of course sometimes I also need some personal time, then I enjoy reading a book or watching a great series. I enjoy to be outside in nature, one of the main reasons why I want to study in Lausanne. I am open minded and look forward to meet new people and have a great time in Lausanne :)

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