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A partire da 1.8.2024

Fino Illimitato


Affitto mensile sFr. 550 .-


Regione Basilea città

Distritto / quartiere Preferably Kleinbasel

Nei dintorni

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Sto cercando I search some people that can also speak English, that have fun together but where everyone is independent.
As for the room, preferably furnished, with a window and some space for the saxophones, as I'm a musician.

Sono I am Lorenzo, italian 19 years old jazz musician.
I will study at the Bachelor program from September 2024, but I won't play inside the house as we have rooms at the school.
I don't have animals, I don't smoke and I'm very responsible.
Possessor of a B permit here in Switzerland, I already live here at my sister's house until end of July.
Open to meet eventual roommates.


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