Je cherche une chambre Je cherche une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 13.6.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 600 .-


Région Zurich (ville)

Arrondissement / quartier

A proximité de

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Je cherche A room in shared flat or a studio, preferably furnished. Chill roommates to have fun times with.

Je suis a master's student in the dept. of architecture at ETH (23, F) from India. At home, I usually love cooking, music, yoga and sometimes have random conversations. It's always nice to have dinners together. Anddd I bring with me some good Indian spices haha.

I'm quite open to any plans or ideas or initiatives like gardening, decoration or oh literally anything haha :)) I'm not a party person, but I like to have chill and fun gatherings once in a while though. Apart from these, I also enjoy jogging in the forest or along the river, and trying out various sports.


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