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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 15.6.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 572 .–


Région Lucerne

Adresse 132 132 Luzernerstrasse

Lieu 6014 Luzern

Arrondissement / quartier Littau

A proximité de HSLU DFK - 8 mins by bus
Luzern Bahnhof - 15 mins by bus
Migros - 5 min walk
Coop - 5 min walk

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La chambre estAn unfurnished room in a fairly new WG. There is a possibility to also buy the bed and mattress in the room. The apartment consists of two other rooms, a balcony, kitchen, bathroom with shower and a living room. As the WG is new there is also the opportunity to help make it your own with the decoration.

Nous cherchons

A friendly uncomplicated person who enjoys spending time with other people but also appreciates alone time. Non - smoker.

Nous sommes

I am Hazel and this is my room I will move out of to move in with my partner, i am therefore looking for a replacement on behalf of my flatmates. You will be sharing with two girls who speak both German and English fluently. The plan is that I move out in mid June so there will be a possibility to move in then if needed.


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