Je cherche une chambre Je cherche une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.9.2024

Jusqu'au January/February

Loyer mensuel sFr. 750 .-


Région Bâle-Ville

Arrondissement / quartier

A proximité de I would like to have easy access to the University of Basel even if it takes a bit

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Je cherche a furnished, possibly non shared, single room, in a shared apartment with some kind people that can help me feeling welcome in Basel :) I am also so clean and quiet so maybe something that meets my personality it’s even better

Je suis I am Ilenia, I’ll turn 25 in November, I am a master’s degree student, at university of Bologna, Italy, and I’m studying sustainability. I’ll be 5 months in Erasmus in Basel and I hope I can find some place to enjoy my staying there at the best :)


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