Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch

Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 15.5.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 750 .–


Région Zurich (ville)

Adresse Riedmattstrasse 4

Lieu 8055 Zurich

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La chambre estIf you are looking for a new home that offers you a great location then this is the property for you.
It is available for 3-6 months from either May, June, July or August 2024.
I am having to leave my accommodation due to unforeseen circumstances. clean and friendly flatmates. decent-sized ensuite room. Only the last term of rent is outstanding. feel free to message me for more info!
You will have a lot of freedom of the place so will not feel like just a room but pretty much a whole apartment!

Nous cherchons

a friendly person

Nous sommes

neat and easy going


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