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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.9.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 600 .–


Région Fribourg

Adresse Rue François Guillimann

Lieu 1700 Fribourg

Arrondissement / quartier Boulevard de Pérolles

A proximité de Distances to Walk:
Supermarket 1min
Train Station 5 min
Universitys: Regina Mundi, Pérolles, Miséricorde 5-10 min
1 min Bus stop
1 min Publi-Bike Station

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La chambre estThe flat was completely refurbished last year (we're the first people to live there). The flat consists of 3 bedrooms, we also have a large living room with balcony available, a refurbished bathroom and kitchen (with dishwasher and large freezer) and another balcony in the kitchen! 🧑‍🍳

You'll be living with one or two students from the University of Fribourg, but also with the neighbours opposite, with whom we're very good friends and often spend quality time together in the living room we share.

Nous cherchons

Someone nice :)

Nous sommes

University Students (20-23 years old). We are living in a very friendly environment where we respect our privacy, but also like to spend Time together :)


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