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Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.8.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 825 .–


Région Berne

Adresse Florastrasse 6

Lieu 3072 Ostermundigen

A proximité de 6 Minuten zu Fuss zum Ostermundigen Bahnhof
Migros 4 Minuten
Coop 4 Minuten
Post 4 Minuten
Bustation Linie (10) (28)

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La chambre estThe 3-room apartment is 75 m2. The room is 18 m2 and has also a balcony. The room has also a big wardrobe and the furniture are sold in a very reasonable price. There is a cellar and plenty of space in the kitchen and in the living room. The appartement is on the first floor in a quiet region.

Nous cherchons

An easy-going person that can communicate in English or French. The communication is key for a good WG. The person that will take the room will be the main tenant

Nous sommes

Pierrick(26) works in Bern and he has studied Mathematics. He likes to spend time with the tenant now and then and he is interested in skiing, climbing, biking. He is really good in communication and he is always willing to discuss about a bunch of stuff.


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