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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.9.2024

Jusqu'au February

Loyer mensuel sFr. 750 .–


Région Lucerne

Adresse Sternmattsatrasse

Lieu 6005 Luzern

Arrondissement / quartier Sternmattsatrasse 55

A proximité de Bus stop 1min from the house every 7min during the day.
7min by bike to the station 16min on foot

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La chambre est3.5 room apartment, bright, quiet.
It will be a bed room of 17m2 completely furnished

Nous cherchons

The idea is to find a roommate with the desire to share time, conversations and meals together of course without constraint.
About Marvin: I really like cooking and doing sports in general and sometimes having friends at home. As far as the apartment is concerned, I am someone who is relatively orderly and who appreciates cleanliness

Nous sommes

It will be shared with Marvin, 23 years old, student in a master's degree in business administration.

About me: the room will be available for 6month because I will be in an exchange semester.


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