Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch

Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 28.4.2024

Jusqu'au 12.06.2024 (possible longer period ~ 1 month)

Loyer mensuel sFr. 800 .–


Région Zurich (Unterland, Weinland, Limmattal)

Adresse Hüttenkopfstrasse

Lieu 8051 Zürich

Arrondissement / quartier 12 (Schwamedingen)

A proximité de Quiet area at the foot of Zurichberg. Two minutes by walk from Tram/Bus station and many stores and restaurants. Well connected to university campuses by trams every 7 minutes. Just behind the forest, fitness trails and bbq places.

Google Translate Grande carte à imprimer


La chambre estThe room is furnished 25m2 large with private balcony in a 3.5 WG. The kitchen is closed and has a balcony. Toilet and shower are in two different rooms for convenience. Unfortunately we do not have a living room.

Nous cherchons

Reliable person

Nous sommes

Currently leaving two friendly guys, Italian and English speaking


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