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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.6.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 600 .–


Région Zürich (Oberland, Glattal)

Adresse Plattenstrasse

Lieu 8152 Glattbrugg

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La chambre estfully furnished.

Nous cherchons

(preferably, male) flatmate from June 01, 2024 for a fully-furnished room at Glattbrugg, 8152.

Nous sommes

a PhD student (ETH, 25 M, Indian) and a Working Professional (Data Science, 29 M, Indian) who enjoy a relaxed and friendly atmosphere at home. We enjoy cooking and eating together for dinners or in the weekend. Our hobbies include hiking, biking, and watching movies.


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