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Dates et loyer

A partir de 23.5.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 700 .–


Région Zoug

Adresse Close to Cham Alpenblick

Lieu 6330 Cham

Arrondissement / quartier Cham

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La chambre estIT specialists, 32, 36, are looking for a flatmate for a modern furnished flat in Cham. The convertible bed in the living space is an ideal option for a commuter or remote worker.

The flat has a terrace with garden, balcony and parking space. Due to the proximity to the lake, the location offers various leisure activities. Bus and train stops as well as shopping facilities are within walking distance.

Move in by arrangement.

Nous cherchons

We are looking for a flatmate for a modern furnished flat in Cham. The convertible bed in the living space is an ideal option for a commuter or remote worker.

Nous sommes

IT specialists, 32, 36


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