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Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.5.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 700 .–


Région Brugg

Adresse Zurzacherstrasse 24A

Lieu 5200 Brugg AG

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La chambre estHello,
I'm Alvaro, a 27-year doctorate student at Paul Scherrer Institut. I'm sub-renting a room in the 3.5-room apartment in which I'm living in Zurzacherstrasse 24A, Brugg AG. The apartment is bright, spacious, and with a small terrace. The room is approximately 20 m2 and partly furnished. The tenant should be an easy-going person, organized and tidy. In case you are interested in a visit, please let me know.

Nous cherchons

A tidy, responsible and reliable person

Nous sommes

A PhD student


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