Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch

Je propose une chambre
Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 15.4.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 1200 .–


Région Zurich (ville)

Adresse Hofwiesenstrasse 12

Lieu 8057 Zurich

Arrondissement / quartier Schaffhauserplatz

A proximité de Kreis 6 - Schaffhauserplatz

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La chambre est17m2. Furnished. The apartment is really central, a few meters away from Schaffhauserplatz tram stop.

Nous cherchons

30-40 year old, tidy, clean, organizef friendly.

Nous sommes

Hello. I am Mehmet and I am planning to leave my room because I am going to travel for 6m-1y. and looking for someone to replace me. The other flatmate is Filip (34,m) from Slovakia and he works as a consultant. He is very clean and organized. He is really nice and friendly. I have been living with him almost for 1.5 years and we never had any problems.


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