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Fechas y alquiler

A partir de 10.9.2024

Alquiler mensual sFr. 750 .-


Región Basilea ciudad

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Estoy buscando I'm looking for a room in a nice shared apartment from September. For more please read about me below.

Soy My name is Lucie, I'm 25 years old, and I'm currently pursuing my master's degree at HGK Basel FHNW. Originally from Taiwan, I speak English and Mandarin fluently, and I'm starting to learn German. I have experience living in shared flats and enjoy cooking together, having coffee, spontaneously jumping into the Rhine, or exploring places like Brocki. I'm always up for a cup of tea or a beer too!

As a flatmate, I am uncomplicated and tidy. I value a harmonious living environment, whether it means peacefully coexisting or going on adventures together.

Feel free to contact me via email. Hope to meet you soon!


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