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Fechas y alquiler

A partir de 6.9.2024

Hasta Ilimitado

Alquiler mensual sFr. 750 .-


Región Zürich (Altstetten, Höngg)

Distrito / barrio


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Estoy buscando room in a shared flat.

Soy originally from Lithuania but completed my Computer Science and Engineering bachelor's degree in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. I know it might sound clichéd (as every potential tenant would say), but I'm genuinely a tidy and orderly person who appreciates the same in others, especially when living together. Having a good connection with housemates is also really important to me, as it makes life much more enjoyable when you're in a new country (a lesson I learned the hard way during my bachelor's;D). I consider myself quite an active guy – I played basketball for 12 years (so I love watching it too), and I'm really into hiking, skiing, squash, gym, jogging, outdoor football, and generally staying active. Music-wise, I mostly listen to Rock/Low BPM Electro House, but I also have a soft spot for old folk songs from different cultures, including my homeland, Lithuania.

I hope this gives you a decent initial impression of me, but feel free to ask if you have any other questions and hope to hear back from you!


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