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A partir de 15.6.2024

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Alquiler mensual sFr. 650 .-


Región Zúrich (ciudad)

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Estoy buscando I'm a MSc ETH student interested in this room starting from July/September. I'm flexible on dates.

Soy I currently live with other 3 flatmates from other countries, we communicate mainly in English but I speak natively Italian, Spanish and understand basic French and German. I'm a peaceful person and I enjoy keeping it tidy and clean wherever I go and love cooking Italian food, most of the times pasta with a myriad of recipes. I was born in Perú and grew up in Italy where I completed high school. Then, I won a scholaship for a BSc at USI, Switzerland. Now, I'm looking for a shared apartment to continue my studies.

I satisfy JUWO and WOKO requirements and I'll be more than happy to provide you documentation.

In my free time, I like to go both running and swimming and during the evenings I usually play both video and board games. Althought during exam session most of my time is spent in the university library, I enjoy other's company and the flatmates lifestyle of having dinner together from time to time. I can passionately debate regarding modern history during apero :)
I currently work as a Teaching Assistant in my university for a couple of bachelor courses.

You can see my pictures on https://linkedin.com/in/jefersonmm
My phone number is italian: (+39) 32 78 55 7818
Feel free to contact me in WhatsApp for a quick chat, I'm flexible regarding the arrival dates.



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