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A partir de 1.9.2024

Alquiler mensual sFr. 1000 .-


Región Zúrich (ciudad)

Distrito / barrio


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Estoy buscando roommates to find and rent a flat decently close to ETHZ. I think 2-3 roommates under 25-26 would be a good setup.

Soy moving to Zürich in September to study electrical engineering at ETHZ for my master’s. I’m half-Canadian and half-Swiss and grew up in Montréal. I just finished my undergrad degree at the University of Toronto and I’ve spent a good amount of time living in California over the years for internships.

Outside of school, I like to snowboard, sail, go to the gym and work on side projects. I’m hoping to take the opportunity of living in Switzerland to travel across Europe whenever possible, it would be a shame not to!

My first language is French and it’d be ideal to have roommates who are also francophones. I’m also starting to learn (Swiss) German. 😁


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