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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 1.6.2024

Until No time restrictions

Monthly rent sFr. 1490 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address Käferholzstrasse 48

City 8057 Zürich

Neighbourhood Kreis 6

Nearby Bucheggplatz, Käferholzberg

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The room isThe room is 15sqm with wooden floor and floor heating. The windows are from the floor to the ceiling. The room will be rented out furnished as of the 01.06. and is part of a 130sqm apartment with three balconies and two bathrooms

Das Zimmer ist 15sqm gross mit Parkett und Fussbodenheizung, bodentiefe Fenster. Das Zimmer wird möbliert ab dem 01.06. unbefristed (oder nach Vereinbarung) vermietet. Das Zimmer befindet sich ein einer 130sqm grossen Wohnung mit drei Balkonen und zwei Badezimmern

We are looking for

We are looking for a new roomate to join our big flat. Ideally for a long time rent but anything from 3 months is also fine for us

We are

We are four internationals between 22 and 36 who are working and studying in Zurich. We enjoy spending time together around the dining table, go dancing together from time to time for also really enjoy our independent lifes.


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