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Let a room
Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 1.6.2024

Until No time restrictions

Monthly rent sFr. 820 .–


State Bern

Address Weissenbuhlweg

City 3007 Bern

Neighbourhood Weissenbuhl

Nearby Bhf/Train Station u. 5mn
2 Tram u. 3 mn
Coop, Migros u. 5mn

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The room is2 Zimmer (CHF 820, 715) +1 Loft(CHF 765) - 2 Rooms(CHF 820, 715) + 1 loft (CHF 765)

Einbauschraenke - Rooms have built in closets
Grosszuzig Gemeinraum, Gurten und Stadsicht - Massive shared spaces (130m2) view on Gurten and city
Wunderschones Licht, Fenstern uberall - Stunning light with windows everywhere
Zwei Toilette, 1 Badezimmer - Two bathrooms
Kamin und grosse Kuche - Fireplace and large kitchen
Possibility to build a 4th room.

Cons: Kleine Zimmer, ohne Lift - Smallish rooms (8-12m2) , 5th floor no elevator

We are looking for

Ab Mai oder Juni 2 oder mehr freundliche, soziale Leute. nichtraucher, selbstanding.
Ich frohe mich zusammen zu essen, spielen, und tanzen.
From May or June 2+ Flatmates: Friendly, easy going, social, who enjoys their own space. I'd love to eat, play, and debate together.

We are

Ich bin Joachim (37), aus Frankreich. Arbeite von zuhause, lese viel, und dann mache Salsa, Bogenschiessen, oder Karaoke und Fitness.
Einfacher sprechen mit EN,IT,FR, danach SP oder DE.

My name's Joachim (37), from France. I work and and read at home, then out with friends, singing, dancing salsa, or practicing archery.


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