Suche ein Zimmer Suche ein Zimmer

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 1.9.2024

Bis Unbefristet

Miete / Monat sFr. 950 .-


Region Zürich (Stadt)

Kreis / Quartier

In der nähe

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Ich suche I'm looking for a room in a shared apartment, preferably not too far from the ETH, but I'll also consider other options.

Ich bin I’m Andrea, I’m from Italy and I’m going to start a master’s program in Energy Science and Technology at ETH in Zurich in September. I’m 23 and I live in a shared apartment with flatmates since I’m 19 and I would love to continue to live my student-life this way because I love the idea to know someone who is not from my city, my region and in this case also from the same country and also because two of my closest friends right now were former flatmates. I play basketball since I am a child and I would like to continue balling if I find a team, in my free time I like to watch all kind of sports on tv and to do some physical activity (mostly trekking but I enjoy doing sports in general).


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