Suche ein Zimmer Suche ein Zimmer

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 3.6.2024

Bis 6 months

Miete / Monat sFr. 1000 .-


Region Bern

Kreis / Quartier 3018, 3019, 3172

In der nähe Nearby JnJ

Google Translate


Ich suche
I'm looking for a room in house/ apartment close to JnJ in the Bumpliz, ideally it will have an independent bathroom and an allocated parking space (my budget would be 1,000 per month if I could get all of the aforementioned).

I'm also happy to consider a room in a shared apartment without an independent bathroom or assigned parking but my budget for this would be lower.

Ich bin I am 29 years old, originally from the United Kingdom but I've lived in Geneva since 2018. I am comfortable speaking English, Italian and French (but not German, sorry!)

I have a short contract with a pharmaceutical company hence my move to Bern.

I'd be staying in the property only during the work week and would be returning to Geneva for the weekend. I'm kind, considerate and very tidy!


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