Suche ein Zimmer Suche ein Zimmer

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 15.7.2024

Bis Until 15th October

Miete / Monat sFr. 700 .-


Region Luzern

Kreis / Quartier

In der nähe

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Ich suche I'm Noelia :) I'm a 23-year-old Swiss student currently residing in Spain, but I'll be heading back to Switzerland for a three-month internship from July 15th to October 15th. I'm looking for a room there, if someone is looking for rommies Who are social to make activities together, I'm the correct one :)

Ich bin I'm clean, organized, sociable and specially Happy. I want to enjoy my time there going to hike or to explore new places. Also I love playing tablegames, or cooking together.


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