Suche ein Zimmer Suche ein Zimmer

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 10.8.2024

Bis Unbefristet


Miete / Monat sFr. 550 .-


Region Bern

Kreis / Quartier .

In der nÀhe I would need to be around koniz, but also somewhere else is okay

Google Translate


Ich suche I'm looking for?...Whether it's a flat, a room, or a cozy little studio, I'm totally up for it. This will be my first time in Switzerland, so any tips or suggestions are more than welcome. Let's make this house hunt an adventure! 🏠

Ich bin Hey there! I'm a 22-year-old Italian dancer ready to start my new life in Bern for an internship with the Bern Ballet. Yep, I'll be starting around early august! I can speak fluently in Italian, English, and Spanish, and if I dust off my high school German books, I can probably make a sentence or two together... maybe. I belive I could be a great person to live with – super tidy, love good sharing with my flatmates , but also totally get the importance of privacy. I also love cooking, and hey, who doesn't love a few drinks? Besides dance, I like trying new sports, listening to music and drawing. Don't be shy – hit me up for more details. Looking forward to finding the perfect place! 💃😇


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