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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.7.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 367 .–


Région Berne

Adresse Brünnenstrasse 53

Lieu 3018 Bern

Arrondissement / quartier Brünnenstrasse 3018

A proximité de Bern central station: 6 min by train (from Bern Bümpliz Nord st.)
Bern Bümpliz Nord station: 10 min by walk
Migros: 8 min by walk
Coop: 8 min by walk
Jumbo: 6 min by bicycle
West side (Big shopping mall): 4 min by bicycle

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La chambre est
*This is a 70% commuting room (During summer, 1st July to 28th August are fully available). From September, I am staying one week (mostly 5 to 6 days) every month (Mostly at the end of the month, the schedule is shared beforehand). So the rest of the time is available but NOT full-time available.

There are a lot of plants, a very cosy shared flat.
Furnished and well-equipped (wifi, kitchen materials etc), so you can just move in easily!
A double bed, small table and shared closet in your room.

Very quiet area and quite good access to a shopping mall or central city!

Nous cherchons

Ideally, if you are:
- Want to commute near the Bern area for study/work
- Open-minded, and not complicated
- Like to be clean and neat
- If you like dancing, big plus! (We love dance!)

Nous sommes

You will live with a couple Dona and Luis. They are super sweet and open-minded. They both love to dance, Luis is a Forró (Brazilian partner dance) teacher, and Dona is a software engineer, who organizes the dance events in Bern. So you can enjoy spending time with them by dancing of course, or having dinner or hiking and so on.


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